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Vitamin C is a "must have" skin care ingredient our skin needs at any age.
One of the best researched skin care ingredients and proven to be very beneficial for skin is Vitamin C. Our skin uses Vitamin C as an anti-oxidant and the dermal fibroblasts need Vitamin C for the production of collagen. Two very good reasons to add this ingredients into your daily skincare routine whether you are twenty or eighty. Moreover, our skin depends on us for the needed supply, as our skin is not able to produce Vitamin C itself. We can either include enough Vitamin C in our diet or apply Vitamin C topically there where we need it the most. Usually this is the skin which is exposed to (sunlight) as this increases damaging free radical activity in our skin. An active form of vitamin C can reduce the free radical activity, which we call anti-oxidative effect. There are 4 things to consider when buying a skincare product containing Vitamin C:
Day or night? Some recommend to use Vitamin C during the night, as the active form of Vitamin C will oxidize in daylight. Hence, your skin can benefit from the Vitamin C longer during the night. I would recommend Vitamin C to be used during daytime (thus added to your morning routine), as we need protection from damaging free radicals the most during daytime and the oxidization of Vitamin C is actually a sign that the ingredient is doing it’s job! It’s even better to add Vitamin C both to your day & night time skincare routine. Is L-Ascorbid Acid enough? Vitamin C is counteracting free radicals from UV light. However, UV is not the only damaging light form as there is also High Energy Visible Light or abbreviated HEVIS. This penetrates even deeper into the skin where also the dermal fibroblasts reside. The dermal fibroblasts are our collagen and hyaluronic acid producing cells and a key target in an effective anti-ageing skincare strategy. Lichochalcone A (Licorice-root extract) has proven to be the most potent anti-oxidant to protect the dermal fibroblasts and neutralize free radicals from HEVIS. Moreover, Lichocalcone A increases Glutathione, which is a skin’s own anti-oxidant. Licorice-root extract is an anti-ageing hero. Summary The combination of Vitamin C and Lichocalcone A will protect our skin and dermal fibroblasts from free radical damage by UV and HEVIS and will provide superior biological cell protection in comparison to Vitamin C only. For me this is a good reason to use a product containing both ingredients as a first step after my cleansing routine in the morning. If you have sensitive eyes, I recommend to use an eye care prior, which will form a barrier to help to prevent the low pH Vitamin C product to migrate into the eye area. Afterwards you can use the other products of your skincare routine. I would like to put emphasis on using a SPF of 30 or higher during the day. This will not only help to protect your skin, but also support the anti-oxidative benefits and make them last longer. Hope this was helpful. Take care!
CategoriesAll Acne Age Clocks Ageing Aquatic Wrinkles Armpits Autophagy Biostimulators Blue Light & HEVIS Circadian Rhythms Cleansing Collagen CoQ10 Cosmetic Intolerance Syndrome Deodorant Dermaplaning Diabetes DNA Damage DNA Repair Dry Skin Epigenetics Evidence Based Skin Care Exfoliation Exosomes Eyes Face Or Feet? Facial Oils Ferroptosis Fibroblast Fingertip Units Gendered Ageism Glycation Growth Factors Gua Sha Hair Hair Removal Hallmark Of Aging Healthy Skin Heat Shock Proteins Hormesis Humidity Hyaluron Hyaluronidase Hypo-allergenic Indulging Jade Roller Keratinocytes Licochalcone A Lipid Peroxidation Luxury Skin Care Lymphatic Vessel Ageing Malar Oedema Menopause Mitochondrial Dysfunction Mood Boosting Skin Care Neurocosmetics Oily Skin Ox Inflammageing Peptides PH Balance Skin Photo Biomodulation Polynucleotides Proteasome Psoriasis Regeneration Regenerative Treatments Review Safety Scarring Sensitive Skin Skin Care Regimen Skin Flooding Skin Hydration Skin Senescence Skip-Care Sleep Slugging Sunscreen Tanning Under Eye Bags UV Index Vitamin C Vitamin D Well Ageing Skin Care Wound Healing Wrinkles
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